@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 158 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Many safer alternative tools to antibiotic drugs

In our raw paleolithic forum I made a post about many alternatives to oral anti-biotics in trying to cure a foot infection. This is a short list of what I came up with as tools in our family arsenal. I really do not like drug company anti-biotics as they...

Wawa Dam: Mountain treck for fresh air and organic fruits

A few days ago I set off on my own adventure to see what was at the end of General Luna street after San Mateo all the way to Montalban, now renamed Rodriguez.  At the end of the road you hit the mountain and go up and end up...

Atsuete replaces tomato sauce in cooking

There are popular dishes that require tomato sauce in the recipe.  The problem is that I and two of my children are eczematic which means we are allergic and react to tomatoes.  And tomatoes being a nightshade is contraindicated to children below 7 years old according to anthroposophic medicine....

My 4 year old girl had tummy ache and sore throat and we cured her fast

Last night my 4 year old girl was complaining of a tummy ache.  Maybe she ate too much.  This girl tends to eat too much.  Auntie tapped lightly on her big tummy and sure enough it sounded like a little drum.  Too much air, gas trapped inside.  Time for...