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Author: Good Samaritan

Children enjoy eating grass fed organic raw beef

May this video inspire you to begin exploring eating raw animal foods in your diet.  Raw animal foods are a far different class of food from cooked animal foods.  All those studies saying cooked animal foods are detrimental to humans are now all debunked with the substituting of raw...

Raw wild honey hunting is easy, reliable and seasonal

I just came home from an Aeta mountain people settlement in Kanawan, Morong Bataan and they were preparing to demonstrate their wild honey collection techniques.  The native word for honey is “pulot”. Since these people live in the mountains and the forests, they know the trees, the flowers, the...

I drive back and forth the Subic Clark Tarlac Expressway

My sister in law and I visited the Aetas in Morong Bataan yesterday and I drove back and forth the same day.  It was pretty easy on the way.  It was morning and the sun was up.  We drove a cruising speed of 130 kph on the way to...

My quest to cure my cook’s gout pain

Our cook Manang Maring has gout pain on the heels of her feet.  And she says this has been going on for quite a number of years.  And she never told me about it and I only found out about it last night.  The pain is worse every morning....

Quantum Minerals Plus drops in nose clears stuffy mucus really fast

My daughter last night was crying, could not sleep, too much mucus.  Probably because she ate too much cooked food, processed food, etc.  It was the weekend, seeing relatives and eating exotic stuff. She was having problems breathing I could see.  Her automatic system came in, she coughed, cried,...