@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 174 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

My wife experiments with concentrated Wild Oregano Oil

I’m so excited a few days ago, the book I ordered from Barnes and Noble arrived: “The Cure is in the Cupboard” by Dr. Cass Ingram.  This is how to use oregano to cure various ailments.  Oregano is the broad spectrum anti-microbial in use since ancient times coming from...

My wife does her first Sitz Bath

Suddenly my wife feels she has a soar throat and has a hard time speaking.  She says this may be viral from the obliterated parasites which were recently taken cared off by the herbal dewormer. This afternoon I saw she was steam bathing. I gave the suggestion that she...

Castor Oil Cures Swollen Lymph Nodes

As part of the cure procedure for Mr. M I stumbled onto Castor Oil Cures for swollen lymph nodes.  This was posted innocently at a forum at http://www.ehealthforum.com/health/topic51314.html and it is a good testimonial for using castor oil to cure swollen lymph nodes. Maybe this will work for Mr....

Tongue Cancer: Hilot tries Yerba Buena for the swollen lymph

Aling Letty the hilot in Barangay Prayer Mountain decided on using Yerba Buena for Mr. M’s swollen lymph.  She says to let her herbs stay from 10am to 5pm.  That seems to long for my taste.  Because I want time for sitz bathing and castor oil packs. Aling Letty...

Tongue Cancer: 2nd VCO detox results report

With this 2nd VCO detox Mr. M did the pure method.  No supplements this time.  We were looking for different results.  We still had a lot of green poop.  But on the 2nd day, in the morning, Mr. M pooped a big mass of mud.  Whatever it was, his...

My pneumonia CURED grandfather celebrates his 99th birthday

Last March 2008 I documented how we saved our 98 year old grandfather from a death sentence given by his local hospital.  See http://www.eczemacure.info/article/articleview/277/1/9/ for that documentation.  As a result of that success and also previously with our 88 year old grandmother, I have written a pneumonia cure manual...

Tongue Cancer: Lymph cleansing, draining, massaging, everything

Mr. M’s original tongue cancer diagnosis is history.  In his first 3 day VCO detox, his internal tumor, the main fungus, collapsed and was pooped out.  Since then Mr. M has zero pain in his tongue.  His tongue is still thick, but painless.  The only pain left is on...