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Author: Good Samaritan

Tongue Cancer: Big Headache Last Night due to Sugar and Processed Tea

I texted Mr. M’s son yesterday that fresh ginger tea will help move the lymph.  Whatever gave him the idea that he mixed the fresh ginger with SUGAR and some processed TEA.  Grrrrr….. if all he needed was a sweetener, that is what the raw green honey was there...

My 7 year old boy is well now. My wife is well now.

Thank you for the heartfelt concern and arguments of loved ones.  Everything is fine and dandy now.  Here is my report. My 7 year old boy just needed his fever to get rid of what was ailing him. My boy is well now. My wife ate a different goat...

Arguments regarding how to handle and analyze 7 year old boy’s fever

My 7 year old boy started feeling unwell Sunday morning.  Then built up a high fever last night.  The fever continued this morning and is subsiding.  This 8:30am his fever is 38.5 degrees celcius. My wife and my mother in law blame raw liver for my boy’s problem because...

Wife blames cooked goat liver for her upset stomach

My wife had upset stomach last night and until this morning.  She blames the goat liver last Saturday for her woes.  She says I can continue eating like a cannibal, but she will not. The situational analysis is this:  I bought 2 fresh goat livers in the market.  The...

Tongue Cancer: Slow down on the detox, lymphatic system needs cleansing

Crucial decision making time again.  I have suggested today to slow down on our detox efforts with Mr. M.  Although Mr. M has shown great progress in his health and his strength, lymphatic congestion is still pretty much obvious.  On his neck’s right side is a big lump, nearly...

Raw veganism is popular because of the raw meat yuck factor?

I was having a conversation this afternoon with a fellow health hobbyist and we got to talking about fellow raw foodists in the Philippines.  I pointed out that most raw foodists are raw fruit / vegan.  For some reason there is just a yuck factor to eating raw animal...