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Author: Good Samaritan

Surprise! Raw goat testicles taste great!

This morning we did our Saturday morning shopping and I bought goat liver, heart and kidneys, plus 2 kilos of goat meat and I added lastly, goat testicles. I’m glad I got the goat testicles.  This lunch time I was having raw goat meat dipped in raw goat liver...

Recovery Diet After Tooth Extraction excludes sea food and chicken

My wife just had a rotten tooth extracted, whatever was left of it anyway.  She went to the biological dentist Dr. Gaba. Dr. Gaba gave her homeopathic drops for inflammation and for lymph congestion.  Diet?  I did not hear a recommendation so I gave my wife my recommendation. Last...

My 7 year old boy plays the piano version of Chasing Cars

Let’s take an intermission and feature my raw meat eating son who also plays good piano.  My boy eats a lot of fruits in season, fatty fruits, and also eats raw animal foods.  He likes raw fertilized eggs, raw beef sirloin muscle and fat, raw squid, raw goat liver...

Feminine wash pollution, pain and hogwash

My cousin’s wife is sick again.  For the nth time.  She is just 20 years old and she’s had a miscarriage and is always sick.  Too much coffee, too much softdrinks, too much cooked food, too much commercially farmed food, too much condiments, not enough sun. This nth time...

Can I make a living out of truly curing people?

For those of you following my blogs I have a question and I need your advice.  In the exciting past few years my health knowledge exploded after I got sick, then I started helping people, then started writing websites, then I got healthier and healthier.  In short, just like...

Slanker’s Grass-Fed Meats: The Real Diet of Man is Very Simple

There seems to be thousands of diets.  Atkins, South Beach, Glycemic Impact, Phase, Suzzane Somers, Low Carb, Low Fat, Low Sodium, High Fiber, eDiets, Paleo, Mediterranean, Maker’s, Grapefruit, Fat Flush, Vegetarian, Blood Type, Lactose-Free, Heart Smart, Healthy Soy, Weight Watchers, Mayo Clinic, Perricone, and Slim Fast are just a...

Tongue Cancer: Biodentist Cleaning of tobacco stained teeth now possible?

Mr. M visited Dra Delia Patawaran of Quantum Minerals Plus fame and one of her comments was that yes, we are so far doing everything right.  The only source of constant pollution she sees is the tobacco stained teeth.  She’s right. Dr. Chavez the biodentist already saw Mr. M...