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Author: Good Samaritan

Tongue Cancer: First Liver Flush Success

Mr. M and family succeeded in doing his first liver flush using Hulda Clark’s liver flush protocol using epsom salts, lemon, and extra virgin olive oil. 6 to 7 trips to the toilet.  Only green sludge was seen.  No stones. For the information of curious liver flushers, you do...

Is cancer at Stage 4 Curable?

Funny that this question was asked at the cancercureD@yahoogroups.com forum.  I just had to answer: “As long as you can eat by yourself. As long as you can go to the bathroom yourself. As long as you can still walk. As long as you can still sleep. Then yes,...

Tongue Cancer: made sure liver flush was done correctly

I just came from Mr M’s hotel in Boso Boso, Antipolo just to make sure they did their first liver flush correctly. They did a Hulda Clark style liver flush with epsom salts. I commend Mr. M for bravely consuming the 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil and...

Tongue Cancer advice from Barefoot Herbalist and his Parasite Cleanse

I sought the help of my teacher Mr. Barefoot Herbalist MH regarding his thoughts about the use of his Parasite Cleanse / de-wormer.  I just love 21st century communications.  This is unprecedented.  My foreign guest saw my website from his country, he took the train then flew with his...