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Author: Good Samaritan

Quick Book Review of The Omega Plan by Simopoulos and Robinson

My friend Jackie lent me her newly bought on sale book called the Omega Plan.  It was on sale in National Bookstore, leftovers.  Copyright 1998, first edition. Seems like these were the times when Omega 3 supplements were first heard around the world.  The author is Greek and found...

A quick book review of Selling Sickness by Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels

My friend Jackie lent me her book Selling Sickness by Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels.  The front cover says “How the World’s Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies are Turning us all into Patients” This book is a marketing expose.  It shows in plain language understandable by the common smart person how...

Doc Sutter says hyperthyroidism caused by parasites

Very interesting opinion from Doc Sutter at Curezone.com in his forum at: http://www.curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1201749 Someone asks about hyperthyroidism and this is how Doc Sutter answered: “Hyperthyroidism equals parasites. The amonia from the parasites stimulating the adrenals then of course the thyroid gets hyper. Sooner or later this turns into adrenal...

The end result of my cooked homo optimus diet experiment

I am officially declaring the end of my homo optimus diet experiment.  I grew a pimple on the chin and a pimple on my left cheek.  They are deep and not visible externally but I can feel them there.  I also noticed a small bubble in the side of...

California Senate Hearing on Raw Milk – things are heating up

Raw food activists are cooperating and at this point are making progress in California, USA regarding raw milk.  Read what Sally Fallon has to say in this latest update: VICTORY IN CALIFORNIA!! We have word just in about the Assembly Health Committee vote in California– unanimous for SB 201,...

Our little dog died because of some viral illness… NOT!

Our few months old puppy died this afternoon at the vet’s office.  He was just 6 months old.  He was the smallest in a litter of 5 pups.  A beagle.  His name was Beads. Yesterday the maid noticed Beads was not eating and getting really thin.  This morning our...

My cancer patient is sick again because of poverty and bible study

My cancer patient whom I coached April 2007 and seemed strong and cured by November 2007 is sick again.  He peed blood again a few weeks ago and the bleeding stopped eventually after 10 days.  He didn’t call me.  Must not want to hear me say I told you...