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Author: Good Samaritan

Why after reading The Cure Manual you are still sick?

So some of you may have already read The Cure Manual.  It is a free website that teaches you the basic principles of curing every disease known and unknown to the western medical pharmaceutical $$$ money complex.  The question is… why are you still sick? Here are a few...

The (birth control) Pill Kills

Any honest and true health hobbyist knows birth control pills kill babies and harms the mothers that use them.  I’ve written about this topic many times in my other websites.  If you are interested in achieving the best health ever, stay away from all contraceptives, contraceptive mindsets and our...

The freshest wild salmon you could possibly eat

TV survivalist Bear Grylls shows us how easy it is to catch a wild salmon on a shallow stream.  What was really great to know was that you need not remove the scales of the salmon to eat them.  Just eat them alive.  Yummy, the freshest salmon you could...

Cancer Cure Barefoot Herbalist MH style

This is a very recent cancer cure protocol replied by my teacher Barefoot Herbalist MH in his forum at Curezone. What impresses me is how compact things become because we know so much more today.  Beginners will have to ask for the details in all this.  This is probably...

My 10000 BC movie review from a raw paleolithic dieter’s point of view

I just watched 10000 BC the movie and I really liked it.  I’ve been raw paleolithic dieting since January 2008 and I’ve just re-read the book Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond about how the hunter gatherers are usually over-run and eventually replaced by agricultural civilization or the...

My friend goes to a corporate AIDS conference, my advice is to play dumb

A special friend is off to a foreign city for a corporate conference on AIDS.  Oh, another one of those corporate rubber stamp things.  Where the corporation assumes that whatever corporate global media says is true is safe for their corporation to assume as well.  They are a publicly...