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Author: Good Samaritan

Results of my Lechon Roasted Pig Experiments

I tried pure roasted pig / lechon from several restaurants over the few weeks to see if this was a suitable paleolithic meal. I found that the taste was good. The fats were indeed filling. The only problem and very big problem with lechon these days is MSG! Mono...

Employee absent due to eating junk food – in her own words

My secretary was absent yesterday.  She texted me that she had loose bowel movement.  We had a lot of work and I needed some things from her so I called her up hoping she could come in even if she was late.  She was groaning on the telephone.  Still...

I take my daughter to the traditional hilot in our village

We passed by our neighbor yesterday morning for our morning sun stroll and I told the my grandfather friend about my daughter’s neck problem. He said his grandson goes to Aling Betty nearby for regular hilot needs. Hilot is a traditional Filipino bone setter, ache remover, massage, reflexology expert....

Possible Meningitis for my daughter? Zapper to the rescue!

A good friend advised me that that the symptoms my daughter felt: soar throat, pain at her nape and neck and a previous accident, could all point to meningitis. “I am so worried about your daughter. I hope you will find the cure for her soon. Maybe it would...

What the chiropractor said about my daughter’s neck pain

The chiropractor tapped twice at the affected area of the neck to release what tension needs to be released. I told him about Auntie Pam’s story about an impact, accident she witnessed with my daughter.  Chiropractor thinks children are tough and malleable and usually they can take quite a...