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Author: Good Samaritan

How I cured my obesity and what I recommend to cure obesity today

I used to be obese.  At 5 feet 5 inches and 168 pounds with a size 38 inch waistline was the maximum I remember.  USA standards of body mass index would appear to show I am at the high end of overweight near obesity.  But Philippine standards of BMI...

No bread, No Milk and the cure for Pneumonia for my 98 year old grandfather

My relatives in the province are already stressed when I pointed to all forms of wheat products are the main culprits to my grandfather’s pneumonia aka excess mucus formation. I told them avoid bread, avoid crackers, avoid pasta. I told them all wheat is mucus forming and all forms...

Just liver flushed our 98 year old grandfather who was down with pneumonia

We first did 3 days of colon cleansing with kidney cleansing and then rested for 1 day then liver flushed my grandfather.  I didn’t do it myself.  I just coached my cousin, my understudy who flew to the province. In last night, a few black pebbles were expelled, then...

Paleolithic times were good times, Neolithic shift to agriculture was necessary

Paleolithic times were undoubtedly great times. Food was abundant. Abundant animals, abundant fruits. Call it the garden of eden. All of a sudden there was a worldwide shift to agriculture and this scientists call Neolithic times. Why? There was a worldwide catastrophe. The heavens changed, the weather changed, the...