@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 202 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

The electric sun, our electric existence

This post is a for-runner of the electric sun section of my website www.curemanual.com The sun is electric. Whatever the old scientists told you that the sun is a thermonuclear thing is wrong. The Basics from http://www.electric-cosmos.org/sun.htm In this day and age there is no longer any doubt that...

I went through high fever, chills and headache yesterday

Yesterday I had a bad headache, high fever and at night went through chills. My theory is it had been due to the herbal de-wormer I have been taking for a couple of days. One of the other members in Barefoot Herbalist MH’s forum had the theory that maybe...

Pneumonia stricken grandfather out of hospital, sent home for self drugging

My 98 year old grandfather was admitted to the Butuan hospital on March 19th for difficulty in breathing.  He was diagnosed with pneumonia with the hospital doctors and was given drugs.  At the same time, they gave my grandfather more mucus forming foods like crackers and cooked pork and...