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Author: Good Samaritan

Implementing fruitarian diet on my son day 1

This is about my 2nd son who has eczema and I am implementing detoxes and a cleansing fruitarian diet on him. This morning I pushed avocado leaves tea and I added some green honey to make the drink attractive to my boy. Just a little raw green honey. Yes,...

Eczema: My 2nd son has toxemia outbreaks around his body

From the point of view of the regular western medicine indoctrinated person, my 4 year old son has eczema on his left ear, his legs, his left butt cheek and his right hand. This all began with just ear eczema same as his 3 year old sister last year....

Maintenance drugs for the rest of your life is a business model

I was driving this morning while listening to talk radio and I chance upon a health talk show. The hosts proceed to admonish patients who stop taking their medication once their symptoms have abated. The hosts tell the patients that those are lifetime maintenance drugs. Take those drugs until...

Commendable truth talk about cancer

I woke up with this commendable truth speaker about cancer from the cancercured egroups I subscribe to. There was a discussion about breast cancer treatments as a scam as reported by Natural News Mike Adams. I was holding off saying something, until this guy came along and took the...

Toddlers watching television while having dinner!

I visited my best friend’s house to get some airsoft guns.  I visited his 2 boys in the lower floor, aged 4 and 2.  Seems the nannies just popped in a new Disney video called Dumbo.  Then I smelled and heard frying.  You know me, I think frying is...

Draft of the Diabetes Cure page on curemanual.com

Finally, I get to come up to the Diabetes Cure page of my curemanual.com website. This page is dedicated to my best friend who is hopelessly indoctrinated in western pharmaceutical dogma. When we last communicated about how diseases are cured, he said everything I just told him “shoots over...