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Author: Good Samaritan

Dengue Cure Website Launched

With the popularity of my dengue cure blog posts in www.curelibrary.com; I still find it hard to tell people about this dengue cure.  So I decided to put up www.denguecure.com to make it easier for me to help people. The website is short and comprehensive.  An easy read.  Strong...

Ligation misconceptions propagated to new mothers

A party, an old friend, new mother, full of joy and misconceptions as well.  We were discussing the joys and pains of new motherhood with the new mother and my wife.  Then they discussed their c-sections as if it is the “normal” thing in today’s medically rotten world.  Then...

Dinner party last night had nothing raw to serve

I attended a big dinner party last night and as expected they had nothing raw to serve. Good thing I ate a lot of raw kinilaw na dilis before going to the party. They had scotch whiskey, beer, wine, fried peanuts, fried pork skin (chicharon) and all cooked meats...

We had raw Kinilaw na Dilis last night

I find the time to buy fresh Dilis yesterday afternoon at Farmers Market. Got 2 kilos of fresh Dilis at P 120 / kilo. At home I watched how our maids did the kilaw. First they tediously gutted the Dilis fish one by one. They had to take off...

Rizal Dairy Farms contact information and how to get there

It was hard for me to track down Rizal Dairy Farms on the web. Both their websites are down. They need a better website developer and maintainer. Maybe my company can do their website. I’m a web developer remember? www.filipinowebservices.com I finally track down a number and call their...

I experiment with raw cow’s milk

Ah the self experimenter in me is itching again. After reading Aajonus Vonderplanitz and the experts on the Raw Paleolithic Diet, I get the itch to self experiment. I tracked down the raw milk supplier in my area. Rizal Dairy Farms is in near enough Antipolo. So I call...

Health or Disease: Do We Have a Choice? by Aajonus Vonderplanitz

Some of my readers here might be wonder where I get some of my ideas for eating raw animal meat.  There is my personal observations, local folk knowledge and there are my readings.  On the internet  you can read the full spectrum of raw foodists, not just the vocal...