@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 44 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Polio Vaccine Causes Polio Disease in Children in Pakistan

People need to learn from the miserable experiences of others. Pakistan reports that 78 percent of Pakistani children with polio were given polio vaccines. You can never trust vaccines. You do not know what is in it, and how it was made. You are supposed to trust blindly, like...

Earthquake Survival Supplies: Conceptualizing Healthy Food Supplies

Getting ready for comet Elenin and possible earthquakes it may cause that could lead to temporary disruption of electricity and commerce. The food and water must not only allow for survival, but also for thriving. Must have water and food. Here are my initial thoughts. Will have lots of...

RH Bill Videos: Population 101 – What They Don’t Want You to Know

The RH Bill in current debate. “Reproductive Health” or “RH” has everything to AGAINST reproduction and AGAINST health. It is a “double speak” phrase… whose phrase actually means the EXACT OPPOSITE. The proponents of the bill has its premise that it is the Filipino People… that is the cause...

Depression Cure in 15 Minutes Testimony with Milk Thisle

Great report. Lucky guy. His depression was uplifted in 15 minutes with his intake of milk thisle supplements. It was just what he needed and it came in the right time. He is baffled, he wants to know how this came about. Soberman88 of curezone explains: So ive been...

Alternative Treatment for Cancer: Essiac Tea – Soon in the Philippines

Essiac Tea – the great cancer cure of the 20th century from Canada will soon be widely distributed and sold in the Philippines. In the very very near future, cancer cure will be for everyone, affordable by almost everyone. I have met with the distributor, I have in my...