@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 47 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Diabetic Diet Food List – A Better List that WORKS!

I am just so annoyed with false diabetic diet food list information. This is why diabetics continue to be perpetually sick. It’s because of these darn idiots who know absolutely nothing about health and claim they have a diabetic diet food list. So for you Filipinos from me here...

Reminding My Children About the Value of Raw Meat in their Diet

Grandma left a small plate of her super special expensive grass fed beef from Bukidnon.  This one pleasantly tasted gamey like deer.  Delicious.  It’s meant to be eaten raw like sashimi.  I remembered to give the 3 kids a bite full each to remind them the value of raw...

Talisay, Taal Lake Near Tagaytay Fish Bounties: Tawilis, Bangus, Biya

This morning I went with my wife and mother in law to their church in Calamba, Laguna. After dropping them off me and the driver drove off towards Tagaytay hoping to hit Mahogany market to buy some freshly slaughtered raw beef. We followed the map on my Samsung Galaxy...

Psoriasis Cure Group on Facebook! Join Now!

Today I got involved in posting about psoriasis cures on the Facebook group “Psoriasis”. To my dismay I found out that this “group” has been hijacked by the “there is no cure for psoriasis” $$$ greed foundation. They were animals there constantly shouting “there is no cure for psoriasis”....

Announcing: Paleo Diet Cure Website

I would like to announce the launch of my new website www.paleodietcure.com . This website is meant to stress that RAW paleo diet is the basis for curing all diseases. A diet of organic raw animal food, raw fruits and select raw vegetables is the diet humans evolved on....

What is Paleo Diet Presentation

So you want to lose weight, gain health and stop being diabetic? Paleo diet is for you. But what is paleo diet? Paleolithic diet, what our ancestors ate before agriculture was invented. It is the most human compatible fuel there is. It works, it works, it works. The following...