Road Trip: Made it Halfway, Stopped over at Bayombong
We are on our first family road trip. We are using a Toyota Fortuner. Loaded with our supplies. We are on the way to our first leg, Banaue rice terraces. SCTEX was fast and easy. We stopped over for lunch in Cabanatuan. I had my raw beef while the...
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Cure Without Surgery?
Ms K had a close brush with a suspected Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA). She went to her doctor for a regular checkup and got scared out of her wits with a suspected Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA). Doctor told her if she were in a hospital and that were diagnosed,...
Now Fukushima Reactors 5 & 6 Are in Danger! Radioactive Water Needs to be Dumped in the Ocean!
Japan’s Fukushima disaster is like a bad long script. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong and the worst case scenarios are miniscule compared to reality. The government spokesperson here is all torn up, crying as he reads the report. The report is just bad, very, very, very...
Comet ELEnin = Extinction Level Event or Is it Nibiru or Dwarf Star System?
Comet ELEnin update: Did you notice that the name for this comet by chance is ELEnin where ELE stands for Extinction Level Event? Sounds like the name used for this comet is trying to tell us something. This is it ELE, prepare or be doomed. I’ll bite. My family...
Be Afraid of GMO Cows Mimicking Human Milk
Thinking of having a new baby? Thinking of the convenience of commercial milk substitutes and condemning your child’s health by not giving him your mother’s milk? Thinking of avoiding breast feeding? Total Frankenstein’s monster news: Genetically modified cows produce ‘human’ milk, Scientists have created genetically modified cattle that produce...
Fairewinds Associates Gunderson Discusses Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Redefines The Worst Case Scenarios
Fairewinds Associates Gunderson says what is happening in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has redefined the worst case scenarios for nuclear power plants. Update on Fukushima: Discussion of High Level Radiation Releases and the Previous “Worse Case Senario” Planned for by The Indust from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo. Gundersen...
Comet Elenin, the Electric Comet Theory and Possible Global Disruptions and Possible Fantastic Light Show
I’m glad a fellow electric universe theory student sums up the theory of electric comets and posts a possible scenario for fast incoming comet Elenin. The latest blog of the astronomer discoverer Mr. Elenin states that his comet is now in the asteroid belt: (April 1, 2011) At the...