@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 55 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Planned Road Trip to Banaue, Sagada, Pagudpud, Vigan

This coming Thursday morning we will be off on a 10 day road trip going up North of Luzon. We will be using my wife’s Toyota Fortuner to hopefully allow us to drive in comfort and enjoy the trip. I will be driving long stretches, so I’ll be needing...

Glutathione Whitening Pills: Beauty over Brains?

First hand interview with a happy glutathione whitening pills user.  Ms. A, 22 years old says she owes her now light, fair complexion to glutathione whitening pills.  She says she took 4 capsules 2x a day and in 6 months her skin had whitened.  Her formerly dark areas have...

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Forum to be Cured without Drugs?

Are you looking for an erectile dysfunction treatment forum to be cured without drugs?  Well I just so happened to write an erectile dysfunction cure protocol at http://www.curemanual.com/diseases-and-tweaks/how-to-cure-erectile-dysfunction/ and I posted an erectile dysfunction cure thread at the raw paleo diet forum at http://www.rawpaleoforum.com/health/how-to-cure-erectile-dysfunction. Any questions regarding erectile dysfunction...

Veganism Resulted in Vitamin Deficiency Kills Baby

Vegan parents who fed their 11-month-old daughter only vegan mother’s milk went on trial in northern France on Tuesday charged with neglect after their baby died suffering from vitamin A and B12 deficiency. Sergine and Joel Le Moaligou, whose vegan BELIEFS diet forbids consuming any animal product including eggs...

How to Remove Radioactivity from Water via Earth Filters

With the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster having no end in sight yet, water being contaminated in Japan, it is no surprise if our own waters are polluted with their radiation. Nuclear war survival skills has tips on how to remove the radioactivity in water. Filtering through earth removes...

How to Stop the Nuclear Power Plant Promoters in the Philippines

I just came across some brilliant writing from CrisisMaven’s blog about how he got to stop the nuclear power industry in his country. Pro-nuclear power lobby money seems to be flowing in our country lately with all those politicians wanting to explore nuclear energy again. We stopped them once...