@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 76 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Newly Bought Puppy Died of Hookworm Infestation

My new puppy died of hookworm infestation. I got him Nov 16 at 1:30pm, fed him horse heart and fat. A few minutes later pooped loose liquid stool and I counted three the rest of the day. Vet says that was a signal that there was something wrong with...

Hair Loss Treatment That Worked – My Barber Taught Me

A few years ago, I was balding / hair loss at the top of my head. Who else to ask but the hair expert? My barber of course! So while having my haircut he taught me what has worked for him and many of his customers. It’s a hush...

2 Day Bought Puppy in the Vet Hospital

After a day with the puppy, I commented in our forum that: Man, this puppy is small and frail. Should’ve gotten one more mature. All he does is whine and sleep. I don’t think he’s strong yet. Is he pure?  I don’t know. As long as when he grows...

Raw Meat Diet for New Japanese Spitz Puppy

For the first time, we got a dog of our own. We used to share a dog with my brother in law, it was a Japanese Spitz, she got lost and never returned. Then my brother in law got another dog, this time a beagle – bad kind of...

LML Group in Hong Kong Answers the Question: Why Bonds?

Let’s take a break from health and let my friend Dave introduce us to his expertise in investments. We need some amount of wealth to maintain our health. Dave works for The LML Group Richmond & Associates Inc. , Hong Kong Savings & Investments; and he will be discussing...

Bitter Melon / Ampalaya Brings Fantastic Healing Results Lowering Blood Sugar Levels

Senior obese man gets a hypoglycemic experience, then measures blood sugar levels and found borderline diabetic high blood sugar levels. He found raw bitter melon information saying it allowed the body to absorb carbohydrates normally and maintain blood sugar levels. I attribute this improvement to my less than a...