@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 83 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Hearing Loss Due to Brain Tumor? Or pus?

My uncle’s old perceived problem was a mass / tumor on his right lung. He does not feel bothered by that. His problem is more of the loss of hearing on his left ear and vertigo / loss of balance. He got a plain CT-Scan and they found a...

Choosing to Make the Public Sick by Promoting Harmful Unhealthy Contraceptives

In a recent news report, Senator Enrile exposed the budget allocation of the Department of Health as promoting the most unhealthy contraceptive methods. “In its 2011 budget, the DOH wants to spend P8 million for condoms, P280 million for pills, and P100 million for injectibles.” Goes to show the...

Flight Attendants Dancing to Lady Gaga Tune in Cebu Pacific Airlines

Oh wow!  Super hot!  These flight safety instructions are the best I’ve ever seen!  I know now that every Cebu Pacific flight passenger will be fully briefed, all eyes on the flight attendants dancing to Lady Gaga’s tune.  One thing’s for sure, the innovative management of Cebu Pacific is...

Death by Chemotherapy Another Victim in the Cancer Fraud Business

My sister in law went out this evening to visit a wake way out in Bulacan.  A young lady of 30+ died of chemotherapy poisoning.  Such a tragedy.  They didn’t kill her in the first round of chemotherapy.  So they tried a second time and finally succeeded in killing...