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Author: Good Samaritan

MMR Vaccination Autism Link Upheld by US Court, Awards Family

The news report are apologists for the vaccination side. Tsk Tsk. But at least the public is made aware that vaccinations are not safe. That vaccinations may cause autism and has caused autism. For the record, I do not vaccinate my children. I think vaccinations are not needed and...

Lady Gaga in a Pro-Meat Dress – Delicious

This adds a good balance to the vegan mafia. Famous singer Lady Gaga wears a meat dress! It was about time someone did it. Thanks to her. Hope this brings meat awareness to people. Meat is good for you, make sure the animal is raised healthy, killed humanely, grows...

Raw Diet Guru Susan Schenck Now Eats Raw Meat, Admits Raw Vegan Folly

Raw Diet Guru Susan Schenck used to be raw vegan, she started eating raw eggs and then raw marinated and lightly cooked meat after developing problems like memory issues and her muscles getting smaller after 5 years of raw veganism. She also met a dozen fruitarians who lost their...

Cancer Cure via Antineoplastons Patented by Dr. Burzynski vs the US FDA

There is a new film out there exposing a very real and patented cancer cure therapy called Antineoplastons invented and patented by Dr. Burzynski. He has been treating and curing various cancer cases for some decades now. “They” changed the law in Texas to specifically target Antineoplastons and Dr....

The Psychology and Science Behind Mang Ben’s Liver Cancer Cure

You might be curious in detail as to how and why I only recommended colon cleansing and liver flushing initially to Mang Ben for his liver cancer cure. I understood as a healer that with his education level, I only had to teach him what he needed to know...

Plumber Cured of Liver Cancer Renews Sex Life

Plumber Mamerto Balthazar II or Mang Ben for short was diagnosed with Liver Cancer last September 2008 and was given 6 months to live by his oncologist. He refused the chemotherapy and refused gall bladder removal surgery offer due to lack of funds. Mang Ben found his liver cancer...

Video: Saturated Fats are NOT the cause of Heart Disease

Here is a healthy diet proponent who gets it right. Isabel de los Rios gives it straight in your face that the mantra of your doctors against saturated fats is false. It is the carbohydrate insanity that is giving people heart disease....