@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 89 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Study shows Cooked Paleo Diet BETTER than Conventional Diabetes Diet

A couple of people decided they would do an initial medical study to see how well the cooked paleo diet fared versus the conventional SWEDISH diabetes diet. Obviously, paleo diet is better. Even if cooked. Just imagine if they did a raw paleo diet study. But as you and...

Music Teacher Died via Morbid Obesity?

Our school’s music teacher died today. Just a rumor my wife told me, that the kids told her. It was the music teacher. The morbidly obese music teacher. Last week he did a wonderful conduction of several grade levels at the Filipino month celebration. I was chatting with fellow...

MMR Caused Permanent Brain Damage: Damage Suit Awarded 90,000 Pounds

My wife and I have known about vaccines being complete BS many years ago. We found out after we had vaccinated our first son with everything from 0 to 2 years. Poor child. We stopped vaccinating children afterwards. Our 2 younger children are lucky. But now with the power...

Ventosa Cupping Method Results I Got

After the ventosa cupping method yesterday I was dead tired and I did get some good amount of sleep. I sweat the whole evening. I had to change my shirt, and change my shirt again after waking up. Something came out. Maybe the tension in my back muscles were...