@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Good Samaritan, Author at My Family Health Blog - Page 96 of 235

Author: Good Samaritan

Comedian Redford White Died from Brain Cancer and Lung Cancer?

Sigh, another victim of cancer, the stigma that goes with cancer and the public ignorance about the cause and cure of cancer.  Comedian Redford White just died from brain and lung cancer? In the news report it said: “He seemed ready to go,” Martinez said. Secret battle Friends said...

My son needs a colon cleanser: Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea

My 9 year old boy went through the day yesterday drinking tawa tawa tea.  But the whole day he did not poop.  Same with the day before.  So this is a constipation problem. I gave him some protein this morning because he was feeling weak.  He didn’t want raw...

Exotic Fruit: Tabo from the Virgin Forests of Palawan, Philippines

My wife just came home from Palawan and she brought home some fruits we had never seen before.  She says these fruits are called TABO.  An exotic fruit found in the virgin forests of Palawan, Philippines.  First thing I asked was, is it safe to eat? My wife says...

Dengue Fever Proactive Measures for Fever in 9 year old boy

As I reported last night, our 9 year old boy started a fever around 4pm yesterday.  He was not fed last night.  His body needs to concentrate on healing.  We just gave him avocado leaves tea last night.  That initiated some peeing. This morning he woke up ahead of...

Our 9 year old boy has a fever

Around 4pm yesterday our 9 year old boy started having a fever and just felt like lying down, resting, not hungry.  So we respected his body wisdom.  Let him rest, not eat.  I did give him freshly made avocado leaves tea.  He finished a glass full of it when...

Fiber Myth and Cholesterol Reduction Hoax

Here is an entertaining monologue by Konstantin Monastyrsky: Dietary fiber in food and supplements is broadly promoted for the prevention of heart disease because, allegedly, it lowers cholesterol. Actually, this is a lie — not only does fiber not reduce cholesterol or prevent heart disease, it also increases your...