Appendicitis Surgery Cancelled Because of Herbal Colon Cleanser Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea
Appendicitis is defined a word to describe an inflamed appendix. Usually easily diagnosed by raising your right leg to see if it hits the appendix. The dominant and pervasive medical profession largely thinks appendicitis is a no brainer that it has to be and is always “solved” by an...
Preoccupied by Eczema Cure Procedures for my Child
I haven’t been posting as profusely because I’m currently preoccupied with curing my 10 year old son of a terrible eczema outbreak. It is consuming my concentration and free time lately. Although I am the author of, every case is special and needs my special attention as this...
Tuberculosos Cure: Hard Sticky Long Time Stinky Phlegm Coughed Up
On going saga of driver Benny’s tuberculosis cure. All other ailments addressed. Last was his long time hard, sticky lung phlegm. And with the continuous raw paleo diet / cooked meat paleo diet – high fat… his phlegm continues to be coughed out. In the past week he reported...
Shoulder Pain, Pneumonia and Liver Cirrhosis Real Cure Total Costs
Benny has graduated from my healing teachings after some 10 days. He’s graduated living in my office for his treatments and lectures. From feeling like dying back to full of life and hope for a better healthy future. So I did the healing and his bosses reimbursed the expenses…...
Frozen Shoulder, Painful Shoulder, Cured with Acupunture, Special Herbs, Raw Paleo Diet and Liver Flushes
Here is one aspect of Benny, my current patient that has been totally resolved. Frozen shoulder, painful shoulder is now totally 100% cured. Largely due to a combination of raw paleo diet, acupuncture and special Chinese special herbal medicine. Of course at the start we did massage with virgin...
Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea Sale! Buy 1 Take 1 Sept 19, 20 & 21, 2011.
Good Day! Dr. Tam’s inventory sale! Buy 1 Take 1 of Miracle Tea (colon cleanser), Live Green (wheat grass, barley, kamut), and all liquid products from September 19, 20 and 21 at Maybunga Pasig, Metrowalk and Tiendesitas. Call 470-1418 and 470-5553. I suggest you take advantage of this sale,...
Tuberculosis? Asthma? Pneumonia? The True Underlying Condition is Liver Cirrhosis.
We are onto day 3 of driver Benny’s pneumonia cure. He sleeps in my office. And I feed him and take care of him. We have come to relieve Benny of his breathing problems by simply using Quantumin on his sinus and nostrils and in 5 minutes he was...