Horrible Stomach Pains, 3 Women, 1 Weekend, Saved by Probiotics
3 women at home had horrible stomach pains last weekend. They had 3 different excuses. All of them were addressed by powerful probiotics over dosages from healthy options brand Probiotic Quattro. K’s personal analysis was that she ate some strange animal called a tamilok, a raw mangrove worm in...
Dishwasher Repairs and Maintenance Should Include Cleansing of Black Yeast for Pollution Avoidance
A large part about getting well from incurable diseases is identifying possible sources of pollution. Lots of lung infections or lung cancers can come from black yeast / black fungus. People suspect the walls of their home and ceilings. But did they ever suspect their dish washer? Many modern...
Leukemia Alternative Treatment: Raw Paleo Diet, Detox, Give up Birth Control Pills
I am privy to a case of Leukemia in a 27 year old female. As expected, none of her chemotherapy and mainstream medical drugs are working on her. As usual, “they” are doing everything wrong, because their map is wrong, their basic foundation of health understanding is totally and...
Diabetes Treatment Guidelines Success with Paleo Diet and Bitter Melon Tea
Some 2 months ago I had a heart to heart talk with my stock broker’s messenger, Adel about how he can cure his diabetes. I documented that here. https://www.myhealthblog.org/2011/04/25/bitter-melon-tea-for-diabetes-good-deed-for-the-day/ I talked to Adel about the Paleo Diet. And that he needs a lot of fat in his diet. That...
Burzynski Cancer Cure Movie Review
Dr. Burzynski in a state in the Empire has cancer cure protocols using his own patented technology on anti-neoplaston therapy. Dr. Burzynski’s drug contains a mixture of peptides and derivatives of amino acids which is lacking in people with cancer. Of course the protocols to cure people with cancer...
Yasmin Lawsuits Ortho Evra Lawsuits What do the RH Bill Lackies Have to Say?
Birth control pills lawsuits and birth control patches lawsuits severe side effects are in the news, including that side effect called DEATH. Yasmin lawsuits are rife. Yasmin is one of the top birth control pills being sold in the USA and Canada. Also called Yaz and Ocella. Class action...
Loestrin Birth Control Side Effects – Marketing Shorter Lighter Periods – RH Bill: Is this what you want?
Marketing shorter lighter periods averaging fewer than 3 days! Now why would you think of that as a benefit? Isn’t it normal for women to have a menstrual period of 3 to 7 days? Aren’t menstrual periods supposed to be a cleansing thing, detoxifying thing for women eating unnatural...