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Category: Diseases

Green phlegm. Bronchial Infection? Asthma? Mold Problem? Cured?

W’s illness began 10 days ago. She had a fever, weakness, soar throat. She said she could handle and heal herself with tried and tested methods. But this time, they did not work. Which was quite a shock for her. She tried cayenne tincture, anthroposophic recommended vitamin C, cough...

Vegans are Not Interested in YOU Getting the Best Health Possible

Let this be a warning to all you true health seekers: Vegans are Not Interested in You or Themselves Getting the Best Health Possible — even if you are sick. They are more interested in their “cuddly” animals’ welfare than YOUR welfare. So they will recommend second rate nutrition...

Wife has been in a Flu funk for a week

My wife has been with a flu combined with bronchitis for a week now.  She’s doing her own thing.  But it doesn’t seem to be working.  She’s on vitamin C supplements, cough elixir, foot soaks, ginger tea, avocado tea, tawa tawa tea, cayenne tincture and some cooked meat /...

Amebiasis or Amoebiasis Cured by Liquid Herbal Dewormer

Barefoot Herbalist MH’s liquid herbal dewormer saves the day yet again! The investment we made in stocking this herbal concoction was worth it. This time for SIL. She was down with liquid poop for 5 days until she told me she had a problem. I asked her to compare...