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Category: General Health

Smallpox Vaccinations caused worst epidemic in the Philippines

Here is a bit of history for all you who think vaccinations are safe and effective.  Bzzzzz!  It is the opposite.  Vaccination programs actually make things worse.  Our poor ancestors.  Our poor countrymen.  Made guinea pigs by their American masters in the early 20th century. I’ve known for quite...

I ordered Humaworm for Children to deworm my 6 year old

My child has been more or less vegan for health for the past 2 months. My 6 year old is very thin. It seems 2 months ago since he started having tummy aches. Now it is on and off dull pain. I think he is recovering. My wife thinks...

Vegetarian? Fruitarian? or Healthitarian?

I turned vegan starting around April? The reason is health. Fruits and Vegetables are the best foods of humans. Animal meat is famine food, you only eat it if there is nothing else available or you would otherwise starve to death. For medicinal purposes I will gladly consume animals....

My Leaky Gut Cure Plan

This leaky gut cure plan is both for me and my brother. My reference article for Leaky Gut as the root cause of many diseases can be found at Eczema Cure: Leaky Gut is a root cause of many diseases and Leaky Gut discussed thoroughly in 1998 edition of...

Leaky Gut Cure Plan and Attempt August 2007

(02 August 2007) August will be my leaky gut cure attempt month.  I will be attempting a supplement and diet cure for my suspected leaky gut.  Recently I have been made aware that leaky guy syndrome is the underlying cause of most diseases, including the eczema I suffered from. ...

My Coconut Juice Fasting Plan in place of the Orange juice fast

I enrolled in Barefoot Herbalist’s School and learned about the orange juice fast. I would like to do the orange juice fast but there are a couple of differences in my circumstances. First, oranges do not grow here in the Philippines, which means I will be getting imported oranges,...