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Category: Nurturing

Green phlegm. Bronchial Infection? Asthma? Mold Problem? Cured?

W’s illness began 10 days ago. She had a fever, weakness, soar throat. She said she could handle and heal herself with tried and tested methods. But this time, they did not work. Which was quite a shock for her. She tried cayenne tincture, anthroposophic recommended vitamin C, cough...

Happy Birthday Extra Virgin Olive Oil Enema for our 9 year old Boy

Our 9 year old boy celebrated his birthday yesterday, June 01. It is his 9th birthday. And with this birthday morning, after a wonderful poop came the extra virgin olive oil enema. Yahoo! Just as I described it in the possible IBS cure post, we are beginning his extra...

Allowing our son to eat partially cooked meats

It’s been 2 days since the last dose of the antibiotic Flagyl. Today we allowed some partially cooked meat to our 8 year old boy who if you remember has recovered from intussusception. He did not have surgery. He instead got well by a “miracle” which was medically verified...

Yummy Raw Horse Meat Tapa Recipe

Our maid makes horse meat tapa cooked for my wife and kids. I decided one day to try out the raw version of this recipe and I was surprised it tasted very very good! So here is the recipe for all you raw meat lovers. Something new to try....