Magnesium Oil Supplementing Making Me Too Sleepy
Magnesium oil on my skin some 2 times a day under my arms and on my feet at my right lower back and on my left shoulder has resulted in eliminating body odor… hooray! But it has also resulted in making me immensely super sleepy. So sleepy that I’m...
Raw Meat for Healing, Raw Meat in Raw Paleo Diet – A Video Documentary with Derek aka Sabertooth
It has finally happened, a very nicely produced short documentary, USA sensationalist mass media style documentary featuring Derek, also known as member “Sabertooth” in Derek has been talking about first some possible dangers about shooting a film like this in his country where it seems anyone who is...
Magnesium Deficiency, Magnesium Oil, Transdermal and Beach Cravings
I am beginning a magnesium oil supplementation via transdermal means… via skin absorption. It seems me and my family have a magnesium deficiency. In my readings some pundits say majority of the urban population is magnesium deficient. And it is not just because of the food. In fact, magnesium...
In Search of the Perfect Human Diet with CJ Hunt and the Caveat of Saturnian Cosmology
I watched the Perfect Human Diet a few days ago and I was impressed at CJ Hunt’s collection of experts. I loved how Cordain used the football field to show the 2 million year old scale of time of “human” evolution. And the closing saying that if Paleo Diet...
Lentil Soup Recipe First Test With Duck Stock, Cumin, Lemon Drops and Fresh Coriander
Hello fellow lentil soup explorers. Me and my assistant just created our first lentil soup using the recipe from . We had all the ingredients in our master-chef kitchen so we went all out this morning 8am. We had left over duck soup stock hanging around… lucky. We...
Diets of Athletes in the Ancient Olympics and our Grade 5 Menu
Below is the product of my research regarding the ancient Greek Olympics spanning probably a thousand or more years from the beginning 776 BCE to the 7th century AD. What I will strive for is to be able to construct a menu that was suitable for ancient Olympians… not...
The Most Optimal Evolutionary Original Human Diet May Never Be Found Due To Past Frequent and Recent Cosmic Changes
Before I became a health nut due to our past health challenges, I was an astronomy nut. Now I can see the synergy with which I can bring those 2 interests together. That of the most sought after original optimal human diet. I and fellow practitioners have come close...