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Category: Resources

Beam Ray To Get Rid of Salmonella and Hookworm Problem

A few months ago I had this crisis with that intense tummy pain after eating non-paleo food. I had diarrhea for a week or more. Then I pooped out what seemed like wood or sharp stone. Injured my lower colon, bled. So I fasted for 3 days to stop...

Type 2 Diabetes Cure: Eat Raw Bitter Melon Fruit Every Day

By going on a paleo diet whether cooked paleo diet or better yet raw paleo diet plus eating some raw bitter melon every day will give you the nutrition you need to overcome insulin resistance aka diabetes type 2. The nutrition in bitter melon allows your body to be...

How to Cure Cancer Outline 2010

Cancer is merely a brand that the chemotherapy sellers want branded on each and every symptom possible where they can get away with so they can sell their block buster top of the line money making chemotherapy treatments. Here is a general how to cure cancer outline for 2010....

Oncology Clinic and Scary Death Row Zombies

Last weekend I was at Vander Gaditano’s place and bull strong man diagnosed with melanoma cancer was there.  His name was Rudy. He just had a few bumps in his arms and some in his nose which he says causes him to bleed every now and then. Rudy says...

CT Scans are dangerous to your health – Unsafe at any dosage

CT Scans are not cool. Use only when absolutely necessary. Think hundreds to thousands of xray exposures in one ct-scan. Brrr…. scary. Did you know the x-ray discoverer Marie Curie died for her efforts? Radiation poisoning. Not only that, CT-Scanning comes with colored DYE injection to your blood. A...