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Category: Resources

RARE! The only Dr. Stanley Bass interview on Youtube!

Wow, this interview is like a dream come true. I have always admired Dr. Stanley Bass’ website. He is 91 years old and would like to give away all his knowledge for free in his website. Use his experience, use his experiments… incorporate them in your thought processes, you...

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: All Cancers are Curable

Dr. Leonard Coldwell has launched a book: The Only Cure for Cancer. In these three videos he explains in the introduction that all cancers are curable. And that all cancers a different. It just so happens that the medical community seems to call all these various symptoms which could...

Amazing Quantum Minerals Plus drops relieves painful arthritis on hands

My good friend asked me to fetch him some Quantum Minerals Plus to give to his mother in law. She has been suffering from painful arthritis on her hands and fingers. Whatever medical treatments they were using were not relieving the pain. Finally found the schedule to buy her...