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Category: Resources

Leptospirosis treatment costs 6,000 pesos per patient?

Our family driver Benny is a flood victim who used to live beside the Tumana river.  They are temporarily housed in the Marikina sports complex while waiting to be handed out free housing in Sta. Rosa Laguna.  In the meantime they suffer from poor sanitation, mosquitoes and threatened by...

Cure Leptospirosis in 1 day with Beam Ray treatments

Leptospirosis is a serious bacterial infection from spirochet bacteria available in the wild. The great flood had caused these wild spirochet bacteria to spread into the flooded areas. Of course prevention is key with sanitation of yourself and your drinking water… boil your water. But how about those already...

Mike Adams on the Truth About Chemotherapy and the Cancer Industry plus Dr. Lorraine Day’s Interview

The death of Patrick Swayze due to cancer treatments probably inspired Mike Adams to make his recent cartoon on the truth about chemotherapy and the cancer industry.  The cartoon is self explanatory below. Credits go to Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com; visit his commentary about dying celebrities at http://www.naturalnews.com/027038_cancer_chemotherapy_cancer_industry.html To...

How to Open Oysters in Pictures and Video

Labor of love for my 8 year old boy.  He loves oysters and has not had his fill yet.  Maybe he needs all that zinc.  So I bought live oysters from the market and prepared it all for him this lunch time.  At the same time I took pictures...

How I discovered Hulda Clark’s Book: Cure for All Cancers

Probably in 2007 I was in a mall called the Podium with the family for some dinner out and I chose to poke my nose into the book store to see what interesting health books they had to offer. I rummaged through new books and old books. I found...

How to open live oysters

Hah. Now I know how to open live oysters. My son’s request for live oysters paid off. 2 days ago we got live oysters and my cousin tried grilling them to open. I observed that it was hot stuff, hard stuff and it was cooking the oysters… not good…...

McDougall: Men Should Avoid Prostate Cancer PSA Screening

Dr. McDougall points out that a popular US television talk show called the Larry King Show was used as an advertising platform to promote very harmful Prostate Cancer PSA Screening with the use of celebrity personalities John McEnroe, Michael Milken, and Dr. Christopher Rose. In that show they recommended...