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Category: Resources

How to Open a Coconut at Home the Fastest Way

I remember being frustrated at seeing a video of someone showing how to open a bald coconut for coconut milk. The guy in the demo was poking holes in the coconut “eyes”… and taking an abominably long time to finish the entire process. My eyes rolled. Well here is...

Sagada Oranges are Here in Manila!

My quest for organic / good quality oranges in Manila has been answered by Sagada oranges… oranges from Sagada mountain farms. They are big. And they taste good. So much better than China navel oranges we usually get in the markets… which I think are no good for orange...

Appendicitis Appendectomy Avoidance with Herbal Colon Cleanser Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea

Avoid appendicitis appendectomy by always having in stock a bottle of Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea. The appendix is an important organ.  Researcher say it provides our colon with probiotics.  Appendicitis appendectomy is often suggested by the medical profession as it is a quick and profitable surgical procedure… $$$ man...

Raw Fish Ceviche with Coconut Milk = Kinilaw na Alumahan with Gata

Are you familiar with the small fish alumahan? If you think this fish is good and cheap as cooked in soup, or fried or paksiw, you should try this raw sashimi or even in ceviche. It is awesome. The skin especially is awesome. The skin is destroyed in cooking....