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Category: Resources

Hip Replacement Recall

Is your senior loved one having hip pain? He’s had his hip replaced and now he is complaining about pain? It’s not just in his head. He may be suffering from something very real. Did you know that there is a Hip Replacement Recall going on? Specifically DePuy ASR...

Earthquake Survival Supplies: Conceptualizing Healthy Food Supplies

Getting ready for comet Elenin and possible earthquakes it may cause that could lead to temporary disruption of electricity and commerce. The food and water must not only allow for survival, but also for thriving. Must have water and food. Here are my initial thoughts. Will have lots of...

RH Bill Videos: Population 101 – What They Don’t Want You to Know

The RH Bill in current debate. “Reproductive Health” or “RH” has everything to AGAINST reproduction and AGAINST health. It is a “double speak” phrase… whose phrase actually means the EXACT OPPOSITE. The proponents of the bill has its premise that it is the Filipino People… that is the cause...

The Big RH Swindle by Sen. Kit Tatad

We can all probably agree that respect for the Constitution, the moral convictions, religious beliefs, human dignity and solidarity of our people is indispensable to the health and wellbeing of the nation. And that no democratic government ever enacts a law that is certain to divide its people....