@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); Safety Archives - Page 6 of 11 - My Family Health Blog

Category: Safety

Predicting Strong Earthquakes via Astronomical Alignments

Thanks to the research of Dr. Mensur Omerbashich of the European Royal Society, we can now predict when strong earthquakes will possibly happen. I just hope next time around we will be able to tell exactly WHERE it will happen too… and Dr. Omerbashich says it can be done!...

Comet ELEnin Dwarf Star Warning September 26, 2011 – by Terral

I am re-publishing in my blog, the warning of Mr. “Terral” who has theorized that comet Elenin is really a dwarf star. His research, science research shows that September 26, 2011 might spell doomsday and that we should all be prepared, for our safety, for our childrens’ safety. Remember...

May 11 Earthquake in Spain Was Correctly Predicted by Planetary Alignment

So it has come to pass. The Nibiru / Planet X / Elenin timeline prepared by Terral was proven correct again. This time he predicted: “May 11 Earth, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in alignment to create optimum conditions for seismic activity.” I hereby bow to Terral’s predicting abilities....

Oral Contraceptives, Breast Cancer, and the RH Bills of 2011

Nice video made by filipinosforlife.com. Pass this on to your loved ones so that they may know that oral contraceptives, more specifically hormonal contraceptives are downright dangerous and full of dangerous side effects… one of them is merely breast cancer. In my free healing practice, when I do initial...

Tuscaloona Alabama Twister Tornado 27 April 2011: Awesome Video

Jason835a brings us this video via YoutTube! This video is from the EF4 tornado that went through Tuscaloosa, AL on 4/27/11. It was taken from the University Mall parking lot. Probably the closest video to the storm your going to see. Utterly amazing, spell bounding, better than the movies!...