Possible Major Earthquake Signs in California from Dutchsinse
We all know California’s long term future is getting big ones and eventually falling into the sea. What we do not know is how long that will take. In the meantime, everyone in California is used to tiny tremors every now and then… normal from their point of view....
Dengue Cases up in Metro Manila and 3 Regions: How to Cure and Prevent Dengue
It is such a tragedy that in this age of information 2011, people are still mis-informed and un-informed about the true causes of Dengue Fever as if it merely VICTIMIZES people and you can hardly do anything about it except fumigate and kill mosquitoes. What is even worse is...
NASA Presentation: Basics of Solar CMEs and How it Impacts Earth as Observed from Stereo A and B
NASA just concluded a conference to teach the basics of Coronal Mass Ejections from the sun and the animation and the basics when and how it hits the earth. Most CMEs are not powerful enough to do terrestrial damage, but the biggest ones do such as one in 1859...
Ron Paul is the Front Runner for President of the USA in 2012
Ron Paul seems to be authentically pro-life and anti-war, and he knows what to do about it, it is to reign in the US Federal Reserve Bank. No other candidate is talking about his issues. No other candidate comes close. Ron Paul is the clear leader in the pack....
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster on 60 Minutes Australia – No More New Nuclear Power Plants!
The Fukushima nuclear disaster that was a result of a 9.1 magnitude earth quake and tsunami March 11, 2011 shows you how the Japanese, some of the richest and most disciplined people in the world can be humbled and broken into destitute poverty and future illness because of the...
Baby Formula, Instant Noodles, Anti-Biotics and Big Boil on Baby Boy
Little boy has a big boy. He is only 1 year and 3 months old. Big boil on chest almost 2 inches in diameter. BIG. When we picked up the little boy from his house, we immediately saw the boil. I went inside the house looking for evidence. What...
Mold Inspections, Indoor Air Pollution, Chicken Farm Air Pollution
It’s not enough that my family is on a paleo-ish diet, it’s not enough that I am on a raw paleo diet. But it seems the pollution going around in the house hold still trumps diet and makes us sick… or “respiratorically” sick… it challenges our lungs. Neighbor with...