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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome plus Parkinsons almost bed ridden

My grandmother has been getting weaker and weaker since March 2006. I’m not much concerned about her Parkinsons disease, I’m now more concerned about her chronic fatigue syndrome. She seems to be getting weaker to the point that she will die.

What is causing this CFS? My bet is parasites. Maybe she is having a die off of parasites and the toxins are overloading her. Maybe she does need more rest.

We are achieving good night sleeps now for 3 straight days. No meat in the evenings. Salt and water cure, virgin coconut oil, Ka Rey herbal, fish oil, brown rice and vegetables and fruits, no hot rooms, good ventilation. Maybe the parasites are ravaging her. Maybe it is a die off.

I have instructed the nannie only this afternoon to make sure Ka Rey Herbal is used as medicine, up to 90ml per dose 30 minutes before meals, make sure it is on an empty stomach, do not mix it with the other supplements.

I ordered over the internet, 1 batch of Humaworm.com parasite cleanse capsules to be taken for 30 days. If my grandmother caught this parasite from the USA in her trip last year, then maybe these USA herbs might be the ones needed to treat her.

We seem to be doing things to the letter, though she lives in a different house. Why is she still getting weaker?